Scaiola Products

Scaiola Salad Bar - CUPOLA

+3+10°C when the roof is closed. Movable plexiglass roof. Static refrigeration. Illuminated, w/4 tiers-Dimensions: 138x138x172cm-178 kg

salad bar for hotel, salad bar for restaurant, self service salad bar

Scaiola Salad Bar - BREAKFAST

+3+10°C when the roof is closed. Movable plexiglass roof. Static refrigeration.-w/2 tiers-Dimensions:140x73x145cm.- 116Kg

salad bar for hotel, salad bar for restaurant, self service salad bar

Scaiola Salad Bar - ISOLA

+3 +10 ° C when the roof is closed. Movable plexiglass roof. Ventilated refrigeration. Illuminated, w/2 tiers- Dimensions: 128x128x168cm- 116 Kg

Useable for hotel salad bar, restaurant salad bar, self-service salad bar